Friday, March 28, 2008

kauai keiki

well, i'm sitting here at shaka taco, not eating a taco.  but here i am, with my birthday buddy, katie.  yesterday i became another year wiser, and tomorrow so will she.  so, the only thing to be done about that is to make two birthday cakes for two people in the span of three days.  i am a yellow cake with dark chocolate frosting type of person, and katie is a german chocolate kinda gal.  which means she will be eating the whole thing since i must abstain from coconut-laced delicacies.  good luck katie.

we just stopped by her classroom for a minute before she delves into her paper grading and lesson planning.  the eighth grade teacher, my friend, the eight grade teacher.  we met in ninth grade, which means i've known her for.... a long time.  about a decade.  ah, long gone are the days when i sat behind katie cugno and graded her math assignments in class when we traded papers.  for me first period meant math and staring at the back of this girl's head (and her fluorescent orange barrettes) and getting my papers graded in fluorescent orange ink.  for her, so i learned years later, once we actually became good friends, first period meant getting my dog's fur all over her backpack... very aggravating.  sorry katie.  he still sheds.

now, we're teachers on spring break, scheming some new plan, as usual.  i've decided to learn how to make cheese, and katie is talking about picking apples in the future.  i like it.    

1 comment:

monve said...

mmmm...hope you are having a great time.