Friday, March 14, 2008

The Ducks

Every year, two ducks land in our pond about this time of year. They usually leave after several weeks of lazing about our yard and entertaining us with lots of waddling and "waa waa waa waa". I am no avian expert, so I can only speculate where they are going or why they hang around while they do. But I think they might actually be spies disguised as ducks, gathering information all along their "migration route." Good cover, no? Satellites are a little suspicious, but who would suspect a duck? I'm going to have to look into it. I'm also trying to figure out if these are the same pair every year, or if by chance we happen to get two random duck visitors every year. The second scenario seems unlikely, but I am beginning to wonder how long ducks live. They've been coming for years.... which makes the spy theory look a little more promising. I may need to read up on my birds.

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