Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Saunas and Dishwashers

Today our dishwasher died. So we went out and scouted out the dishwasher sales situation around town. We found some high prices and some better prices, but nothing too spectacular. Well, then we were talking to a not-too obnoxious salesman (which is nice) who mentioned that he has a scratched dishwasher in back on clearance. It was the model we wanted. It was a lot less money. Sweet. It has some little scratches in the paint is all.... So today we bought a dishwasher of all things to to do on a foggy Wednesday.

Oh something about saunas. I forget what I was going to say about that. We're listening to Medieval Babes and drinking some delicious Belgian style beers and having a nice evening together. I'll miss such evenings.

1 comment:

Bobby's World said...

Hey Erin Lee, just a heads up, I have a blog. Hope all is well.