Sunday, April 20, 2008


i came to seattle with a great plan. that plan has been scrapped, due to outside forces... and it looks like i am going to have to wait to finally explore the rainforest. maybe in nicer weather, when i'm not cold, alone, and without transportation. it's sad, but the week is not lost. ash isn't coming after all, sniff, sniff..... i will spend my time here in the city, for the most part, and will find more time to spend with people.

in other news, i fought the law, and the law won. the lyrics don't lie. but though i lost my case, i got a chance to put myself on a witness stand after swearing in, got to make a statement before a judge, and got to cross examine somebody. pretty exciting stuff. don't necessarily want to do it again.

also the furnace at home went out. i should call lisa and see if she's freezing to death.


Ashley Ronnell said...

Frickin' Alberta... it is STILL snowing. If I don't go shovel the walk before church this morning, I might get lost on my way to the car.

writer said...

what's this about you being an outlaw?

erin said...

yes, i am an infractor of the law. so saws the judge, for i sped too much to avoid a truck that was creeping into my lane.