Friday, April 11, 2008

just a normal morning

we all sat around drinking coffee, checking email, discussing the latest news story about the flds goings on in texas, the promise of warmer weather, and the plans for the day... getting ready for our monster yard sale. which is tommorow. heaven help us, please. there is so much to be done. right now we're all punchy, exhausted from today's long hours... i think we're going to eat some dinner or a snack and go to bed so we can get the mountains of stuff out to sell early in the morning. i don't even know if i make any sense at all right now, as i am just trying to keep alert. oh yes, i was going to tell about the big excitement this morning.

we let the cat out, and she's a little afraid of the big outside world still, so going out is a little bit of a big deal for her. defending her territory is not something she is at all excited about. anytime she sees another cat, she runs and begs to be let in, or goes and hides behind the wood pile. so when we looked out the window and saw her facing off with three other cats twice her size, it was pretty exciting. we watched to see what would happen. at first she looked for escape, but then, for the first time, she walked right toward a big cat. they sat and stared at each other for a while. the other cat noticed the three face from indoors watching and decided today was not the day to pick a fight. out cat had backup. good job kitty. brave kitty, we let her in and i walked out with the dog and watched all the big cats scatter.

little cat is growing up so fast....

1 comment:

writer said...

news tuesday went surprisingly well. What I want to know is, how was the sale? how much you get for that yard?